Criminal Law

Why do some people dislike Criminal Defence? Here a Criminal Defence Lawyer explains…

Why people hate defence lawyers Why do some people look down on Criminal Defence Lawyers? A question with so many possible answers. However, the most common of all can be for defending potential criminals or their high fees….they are sometimes believed to be money sucking pests, who thrive on their client’s bank balance…… Interview with an Criminal Defence Lawyer…. Is it the legal profession they resent, or the legal system? I am not sure. We fight zealously for our client’s rights – it is our job to fight...

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Criminal Law

Minimum Licence returned after mishandling by prominent Sydney criminal law firm

Our client was charged with a number of drink driving offences 2 years ago. He was sentenced to a 3 year disqualification and hefty fines for 2 of the charges. He instructed a large national criminal law firm to appeal his matter, but through their oversight only 1 of the charges was appealed and reduced to 1 year’s disqualification, with the result that when our client went to the motor registry to get his licence back, he was still serving a 3 year disqualification and the time to appeal had lapsed. We wrote a...

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Criminal Law

Threats over infidelity lead to serious criminal charges

After finding out that his girlfriend was having an affair, our client sent a series of abusive texts to the other man, leading to criminal charges. Initially the court deemed the messages threatening enough to warrant a prison term. We subsequently appealed to the District Court, where the sentence was promptly overturned.

Posted on 
November 14, 2012
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