Drug Offences

ICE…It’s about to get a whole lot harder. The melting pot of crystal methamphetamine

The cracks are in the ice It has been twelve months since the last ‘Ice’ enquiry (Letters Patent dated 28 November 2018 appointed by Professor Dan Howard SC as Commissioner. And now there is to be a new enquiry. What is this enquiry for? In simple terms this enquiry may strengthen NSW’s response to ice and illicit amphetamine type stimulants (‘ATS’), this would include law enforcement, raise awareness of the effect of the drug and look into treatment and rehabilitation in order to eradicate this addiction and...

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Drug Offences

Taking drugs at music festivals-What happens when caught with illicit drugs in festivals

Taking drugs at music festivals By Sydney Criminal Defence Lawyers Music festivals, nowadays, have become hotspots for drug carriage and exchange by youngsters. With drugs, it brings scores of drug-related illnesses, overdoses, and even deaths. The two most common drug offences are: Possession: which involves physical carriage of prohibited drugs on yourself, house or car and includes jointly possessing with another person. Supply: which involves providing prohibited drug to another person. It can be in exchange...

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Drug Offences

Ecstasy – Everything you need to know

Ecstasy Ecstasy, or MDMA (MethyleneDioxyMethAmphetamine) is a ‘psychedelic amphetamine’, which means it has properties of both hallucinogen and amphetamine drugs. Amphetamines make you feel more awake and alert, while hallucinogens can change your perception of reality. Ecstasy is also known as pills, yokes, and MDMA. It’s taken in the form of pills or powder and is commonly taken at parties, clubs and raves. The effects The effects of ecstasy vary from person to person. It depends on: your size (height and...

Posted on 
February 22, 2018
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Drug Offences

Long term drug user caught with methamphetamine

Long term drug user caught in possession of methamphetamine. SCDL facilitated his referral into the MERIT program and came out with a section 10, no conviction with ongoing drug and alcohol counselling.

Posted on 
February 13, 2012
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