Can you leave your child at home alone?

There’s no law in Australia that states what age you can or can’t leave your child at home alone without supervised care.

A parent, family or child minder having care of a child under 12 years old, cannot lawfully leave a child alone for an unreasonable amount of time, without making provisions for the supervision of the child during that time. Most importantly, you need to address if your child can be by him or herself independently without your care.

This can be considered a misdemeanor or in some extreme circumstances holds a maximum penalty of three years imprisonment.

We highly recommend to always have a minder / guardian for your child.

If you have been charged using a mobile phone whilst driving call our team of specialists today on 0280597121 or 0420998650 or follow this link.

Robert Daoud, Principal Lawyer of
Daoud Legal: Sydney Criminal Defence & Traffic Lawyers