Traffic Law

I've been Charged with Drug Driving in NSW - What are the Penalties for this Offence & What Should I Do?

Facing a drug driving charge in NSW? Learn about penalties & what you should do next with our practical, updated guide.

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Traffic Law

New traffic laws on the horizon including abolish the Habitual Offenders Declaration

Following a 2013 Inquiry by the Criminal Law Committee of the Law Society of New South Wales in relation to the Legislative Assembly Committee on Law & Safety’s Inquiry into driver license disqualification, a number of key proposals were put forward. This is on the back of the Law Society advocating consistently for reform of unauthorised driving offences under ss53 and 54 of the Road Transport Act 2013 NSW. Addressing the keys issues raised in the Inquiry’s Terms of Reference the Committee made the following...

Posted on 
September 15, 2017
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Traffic Law

Ex-con repeat traffic offender avoids jail

Our client was charged with a number of traffic offences after he was caught speeding on the Hume Highway in Goulburn on a disqualified licence. He had already served a term of full-time imprisonment for a driving disqualified offence and this was the eighth time he had been charged with such an offence within the last ten years. He had been disqualified from driving until 2034. The Magistrate was considering imposing a sentence of full-time imprisonment, however after forceful submissions from the defence...

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