legal advice 02 8059 7121 or after hours on 0420 998 650

What is a Section 10?

Can I Get a Section 10?

Obtaining a Section 10 Dismissal is dependent on the circumstances of the offence. For example, for a charge of drink driving, a lower range drink driving charge is more likely to be dismissed than a higher range charge. The magistrate will look at various factors in determining the penalty, such as any previous traffic law related charges, any criminal record, the circumstances surrounding the offence, your good character and the apparent need for maintaining your licence (in terms of work or family related duties), etc., etc.

How can Sydney Criminal Defence Lawyers help?

Our Criminal Lawyers will carefully consider your case, advise you on all your legal options, and recommend the best way forward.

Call us now on 02 8059 7121 or contact us after hours on 0420 998 650 or text 24hrs to book an appointment with one of our solicitors.

The initial consultation is free.

What is a Section 10?

Can I Get a Section 10?

Obtaining a Section 10 Dismissal is dependent on the circumstances of the offence. For example, for a charge of drink driving, a lower range drink driving charge is more likely to be dismissed than a higher range charge. The magistrate will look at various factors in determining the penalty, such as any previous traffic law related charges, any criminal record, the circumstances surrounding the offence, your good character and the apparent need for maintaining your licence (in terms of work or family related duties), etc., etc.

How can Sydney Criminal Defence Lawyers help?

Our Criminal Lawyers will carefully consider your case, advise you on all your legal options, and recommend the best way forward.

Call us now on 02 8059 7121 or contact us after hours on 0420 998 650 or text 24hrs to book an appointment with one of our solicitors.